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Our team of talented experts maximize the profitability of banking products by improving the mechanics of mathematical calculations of bank systems, which help to increase the profitability of banking products without harming internal processes.

Retail banking experts and its mathematics
Highly specialized in credit cards, debit cards, current accounts, overdrafts, loans and term deposits
We find hidden incomes even where you do not expect them
Suggested strategies increase the profitability of an already formed portfolio through mathematical and logical optimization of internal product processes
Minimum spent resource of bank employees
Development of analytical projects that practically do not require support and labor costs from banks (no more than 2 weeks from all involved departments in the aggregate)
Transparent financial modeling
The economic impact of each recommendation for the next 3 years is calculated in a well-thought-out financial model with conservative assumptions
Instant Results
Project duration averages 12 weeks and since the fourth week we have been submitting recommendations to the bank, containing not theoretical reflections, but "live" money, which often fully pays off the banks investments from the very first minutes of the presentation

Strategies we offer

YMIX shares the best global practices in retail banking, over 500 recommendations in a unique knowledge base
Process improvement
More optimal solutions for existing processes
System errors
Technical inconsistencies with product logic
New Services
New services for customers

Project average performance statistics
Strategies per project
Additional income per credit card in a year
Additional income per one cash loan in a year
Project methodology
Data analysis (informational)
Data gathering: terms of the product agreement, monthly statements, other specific data
Initial ideas
As a result of analysis and consultation with the Bank's employees, we offer initial strategies and recommendations
Strategies development
For a pre approved strategy / recommendation, we build a calculation model (additional data may require) and make a visual presentation of it
Bank approves strategies / recommendations to be implemented based on its own decision

Service already implemented

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